Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Barrie)
Upcoming Meetings
Special (Closed) Meeting - March 26, 2025Special (closed) Council Meeting - March 19, 2025Special (Closed) Council Meeting - March 3, 2025Special Council Meeting - 2025 Budget Cut/Keep/AddSpecial Council Meeting - 2025 Budget DeliberationsPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act (Barrie)Committee of Adjustment Meeting - Jan 30/25Special Council Meeting - December 20, 2024Special (closed) Council Meeting - December 16, 2024Committee of Adjustment - December 10, 2024Public Works Committee MeetingSpecial Council Meeting - October 28, 2024Special Council Meeting - October 23, 2024Committee of Adjustment - October 2, 2024September 17, 2024 - Public Meeting Under the Planning ActCommittee of Adjustment - August 8, 2024Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - Pierce/HubertPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Hogan Heights Zoning AmendmentCommittee of Adjustment Committee - July 10, 2024Committee of Adjustment Meeting - July 25, 2024Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - July 24, 2024Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (1000353913 Ontario Inc.) - June 18, 2024Committee of Adjustment - May 2, 2024Special Council Meeting - April 11, 2024 (Cut/Keep/Add)Committee of Adjustment - April 4, 2024Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Sweet)Committee of Adjustment Meeting - March 11, 2024Special Council Meeting (Cut/Keep/Add) - March 25, 2024County OPA Public Meeting - March 11, 2024Special Town Hall Meeting - Draft Strategic PlanCommittee of Adjustment Meeting - A3/23Public Works Committee Meeting - CANCELLEDCANCELLED - Budget Committee Meeting - December 13, 2023CANCELLED - Special Council Meeting (Closed) - December 14, 20232024 Budget Committee MeetingSpecial Council Meeting (Closed) - February 13, 2024Special Council Meeting (Closed) - November 20, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (L & J Stewart)Special Council Meeting (Closed) - November 2, 2023Committee of Adjustment - October 30, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Robertson)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Fraser)Special Council Meeting - August 29, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - AalbersSpecial Council Meeting - July 17, 2023Special Council Meeting - June 19, 2023Special Council Meeting - May 26, 2023Special Council Meeting - May 8, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (768 Usborne Street)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - Adult Entertainment VenuePublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - DennistonSpecial Council Meeting - April 17, 2023Special Council Meeting - March 2, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - Shannon & DavisSpecial Council Meeting (Closed) - February 1, 2023Special Town Hall Meeting - February 1, 2023POSTPONED - Special Town Hall Meeting - January 12, 2023Special Council Meetings - Budget Jan 4, 2023Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - January 17, 2023Special Council Meetings - 2023 Budget PresentationsInaugural Meeting 2022Special Council Meeting - November 22, 2022Cancelled - November 1, 2022 Regular Council MeetingNotice of Cancelled Regular Meeting - November 15, 2022Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Blackrock Properties Inc.)Committee of Adjustment Meeting - Sept 26, 2022Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Sharma)Special Council Meeting - July 5, 2022Committee of Adjustment - May 30, 2022Council Meeting - CancelledPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act (Glasgow Ridge Subdivision)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Wallace)Committee of Adjustment - April 25, 2022Regular Council Meeting - March 15, 2022Special Council Meeting - March 4, 2022Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (1085091 Ontario Ltd.)Special Council Meeting - February 9, 2022 5:00 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - March 1, 2022Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Sparrow/Church)Special Council Meeting - January 25, 2022Regular Council Meeting - February 15, 2022Regular Council Meeting - February 1, 2022Committee of Adjustment Meeting - February 28, 2022Committee of Adjustment Meeting - January 31, 2022Special Council Meeting - Jan 11, 2022Regular Council Meeting - January 18, 2022Regular Council Meeting - January 4, 2022Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Danylchuk)Committee of Adjustment Meeting - December 20, 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Madawaska Shores - Release Holding Symbol) - Dec. 21Public Meeting under the Planning Act - GarloughCommittee of Adjustment Meeting - November 29, 2021CANCELLED - Planning Advisory Committee MeetingRegular Council Meeting - December 21, 2021Regular Council Meeting - December 7, 2021Regular Council Meeting - November 16, 2021Regular Council Meeting - November 2, 2021Committee of Adjustment Meeting - October 25 2021Special Council Meeting - 2022 Budget DeliberationsPlanning Advisory Committee Meeting - Cancelled Regular Council Meeting - October 19, 2021Regular Council Meeting - October 5, 2021Committee of Adjustment Meeting - September 27, 2021Planning Advisory Committee - September 14, 2021Regular Council Meeting - September 21, 2021Regular Council Meeting - September 7, 2021Special Council Meeting - August 17, 2021Committee of Adjustment Meeting - August 30, 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (C. Laventure)Regular Council Meeting - August 17, 2021Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - August 10, 2021Regular Council Meeting - August 3, 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Currie)Special Council Meeting - June 27, 2021Committee of Adjustment Meeting - June 28, 2021Special Council Meeting - June 22, 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Sparling)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Laventure)Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - June 8, 2021 (Via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - June 15, 2021 (Via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - June 1, 2021 (Via Zoom)Committee of Adjustment Meeting - May 31, 2021Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - May 11, 2021May 11, 2021 - Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Hogans Heights - Phase 2)Regular Council Meeting - May 4, 2021Committee of Adjustment Meeting - April 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Oceans Properties)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Draper OPA)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Bandy) - April 13, 2021Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - April 13, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - April 20, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - April 6, 2021 (via Zoom)Special Council Meeting - March 11, 2021 5:00 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - February 2, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - February 16, 2021 (via Zoom)Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - March 9, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - March 16, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - March 2, 2021 (via Zoom)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Madawaska Shores) March 2021Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Mele)Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Knight/Campbell)Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - January 12, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting - January 19, 2021 (via Zoom)Regular Council Meeting (January 5, 2021) - CANCELLEDSpecial Council Meeting - 2021 Budget Deliberation Part 3Special Council Meeting - 2021 Budget Deliberation Part 2Special Council Meeting - 2021 Budget Deliberation Part 1Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - NovemberPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act (Shire)Special Council Meeting - October 13, 2020Special Council Meeting - August 11, 2020Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (McKay)Special Council Meeting - July 14, 2020Special Council Meeting - June 23, 2020Special Council Meeting - May 12, 2020Special Council Meeting - March 31, 2020Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Aalbers)Public Information Session - Braeside Road RenewalPublic Information Session - Mill Ridge Road and Nieman DriveSpecial Council Meeting - Advisor on Flooding Report2020 Budget Deliberations Part 32020 Budget Deliberations Part 22020 Budget Deliberations Part 1Notice of Application and Public Meeting - ZBLA - BarriePublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - 2325388 Ontario Inc. Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Draper)Town Hall Meeting - October 22, 2019Notice of Open House and Public MeetingSpecial Council Meeting - July 8, 2019Special Council Meeting - July 2, 2019Public Meeting & Information Session re: 2019 FloodPublic Meeting Under the Development Charges Act - RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 27Special Council Meeting - June 27/19Special Council Meeting - May 27, 2019Regular Council Meeting - CANCELLEDPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - NeillPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - OPA #12Public Meeting Under the Development Charges ActSpecial Council Meeting - Closed SessionJune Planning Advisory Committee - 6:00 p.m.September Planning Advisory Committee - 6:00 p.m.Special Council Meeting - Procedural By-LawPlanning Advisory Committee Meeting - 6:00 p.m. (Feb 2019) Special Council MeetingSpecial Council Meeting - BudgetPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Vallentyne/BoileauPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Tyler RootSpecial Meeting - Budget Deliberations Part 1Special Meeting - Budget Part 2 - 2019Special Meeting - Budget Part 1Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - Blue Skies RecoverySpecial Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m.Special Council Meeting - 6:00 p.m.Planning Advisory Committee Meeting - 6:30 p.m.Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - 2444681 Ontario Inc. (Wachna)Special Council Meeting - Green Municipal Fund Grant ApplicationPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Oceans Properties Inc.Green Energy Ad Hoc CommitteePublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - BeauregardPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Marijuana Production FacilitiesPlanning Advisory Committee Meeting (June 2018)HerbFest Committee - White Lake Fire HallSpecial Council Meeting - FCM FundingPublic Information Session - McLachlan RoadPlanning Advisory Committee Meeting - 6:00 p.m.Committee of Adjustment - 7:00 p.m.Economic Development Committee Meeting Special Council Meeting - Perneel Building/Muniicpal Office & Round 2 of Budget DeliberationsPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - 1332712 Ontario Inc. Building Committee Meeting - 6:00 p.m.Special Council Meeting - Snowmobile Trail & Braeburn Estates Road DesignRecreation Committee Meeting - CANCELLEDPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - MeekPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Runtz2018 Budget Deliberations - Part 2 (if required) CANCELLED2018 Budget Deliberations - Part 12018 Draft Budget Presentations - Part 22018 Draft Budget Presentations - Part 1Special Planning Advisory Committee MeetingPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Baum/ColbertPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - Van OrderSpecial Council Meeting - Braeside Recreation CentreRegular Council Meeting - Fire Station #1Public Meeting Under the Planning Act - WilsonPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - McNabRecreation Committee Meeting - Perneel BuildingPublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - McKiePublic Meeting Under the Planning Act - MeierTown Hall Meeting - Perneel PropertyPublic Information Session - Reconstruction of Scheel DriveBuilding Committee MeetingCanada 150 Ad Hoc CommitteeRecreation Committee Meeting -Fire Station #1Building Committee Meeting - 2:00 p.m.Planning Advisory Committee MeetingAccessibility Advisory CommitteeBuilding CommitteeCommittee of AdjustmentFire Committee Meeting (7:00 pm)Health and Safety CommitteeTrails Committee