February 2025

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pop-up modal right arrow Braeside Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival Extravaganza Join us for a day of winter fun and excitement at our annual Winter Carnival! Starting off with a hearty shanty breakfast, you and your family can fuel up for a day full of adventure.

Event Schedule:

Morning Breakfast (8:00 AM - 10:30 AM): Kick off the festivities with a delicious breakfast, featuring warm pancakes, eggs, sausage, toast, coffee, hot cocoa, and more. While you enjoy your meal, kids can stay busy with fun coloring pages to get their creativity flowing. A perfect way to kick off a day of winter fun! Adults - $10, Children 5-12 - $7, Children Under 4 - Free1st

Shoot-Out Competition (10:30 AM): After breakfast, head over to the rink for an exciting free shoot-out competition. Test your accuracy and skills in a friendly yet competitive environment, with prizes for the top marksmen. Will you take home the title of the Winter Carnival Champion?

Practice with the Packers! (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM): Calling all hockey players! Join the Arnprior Junior B Packers for a practice session on the outdoor rink. All hockey players are welcome—just make sure to wear full protective gear. It’s your chance to skate and train with the team!

Community Skate (6:00 PM): Lace up your skates and glide across our beautifully lit rink with the whole family! Whether you're an experienced skater or a beginner, everyone is welcome to enjoy the magic of the ice in a fun and safe environment (this is a stick/puck free skate).

Dance Party (6:30 PM - 10:30 PM): End the night with a bang at our lively Winter Carnival Dance! Featuring upbeat music and plenty of space to groove, this dance party is the perfect way to celebrate the day’s adventures and warm up your winter spirits. We will be accepting kids song requests for the first 45 minutes. The bar and canteen will be open, serving hot dogs, snacks, and refreshments.

Public Shinny (7:00PM) Open to all!

Bundle up, bring your family, and make lasting memories at our Winter Carnival!

pop-up modal left arrow Bi-Centennial Committee
Ad-Hoc Committees

Click here to access the Bi-Centennial Committee Meeting Packages

Township of McNab/Braeside 

Terms of Reference: Bi-Centennial Committee 

Reporting Relationship  

The Bi-Centennial Committee is an ad hoc committee under the Public Recreation & Culture Committee 

(PR&CC). The PR&CC reports to Council. 


Members of the Bi-Centennial Committee shall be comprised of the following: 

  • Chair 
  • 2 members of council (one may act as chair) 
  • CAO 
  • Recreation Director 
  • 1 Recreation Staff 
  • Museum Curator 
  • Minimum of one (1) member of the community or people with a connection to resources that are considered beneficial to this event. 

Additional non-voting staff and consultants may be invited from time to time as required. 

Appointment to the Committee  

Members shall be appointed by council based on the Township’s procedural by-law. 

Frequency of Meetings  

The committee will meet in advance leading up to the Bi-Centennial anniversary date; June 25, 2025. The frequency will vary based on the pre-event period; one post-event meeting will follow. 

The Committee Chair with the assistance of the Recreation Director shall set the agenda prior to each meeting and circulate the agenda as per Township procedures. Draft meeting minutes of the preceding meeting shall be circulated to each Committee member for approval. Approved minutes will be included in a report to council. 


Quorum is obtained through the attendance of 50% plus one (1) voting members of the committee. 

Roles and Responsibilities  

The committee shall be led by the chair or designate. Meeting minutes will be recorded and distributed by the Recreation Director or designate. 

Function of Committee  

The function of the Bi-Centennial Committee is to support the planning and implementation of the 200th anniversary of the Township of McNab/Braeside. June 25, 2025, marks this anniversary. 

Interested in joining this Committee? Please apply here.

pop-up modal left arrow Regular Council Meeting
Regular Council Meeting

Council meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted) at Township Council Chambers located at 2473 Russett Drive, Arnprior.

Council Meeting Package

CLICK HERE to watch LIVE & RECORDED Council Meetings

pop-up modal left arrow The Lunch Bunch by Seniors at Home

A full course luncheon event on Wednesday, Feb 5th from 12-2pm at the Arnprior Legion Hall. Choice of sandwiches ham and cheese on a bun or egg salad. Patti Hass will entertain. Tickets are $12 each available from our agency office until noon on Friday Jan 31. All seniors or adults with disabilities welcome.

pop-up modal left arrow Public Recreation and Culture Committee
Standing Committees

Public Recreation Committee

Chair: Deputy Mayor Hoddinott

Frequency: Monthly - 1st Wednesday evening each month (excuding July & August)


To recommend the operating and capital budgets to Council.

To introduce new events and to encourage the public’s new and interesting ideas for maximizing usage of our parks, trails, community centres and other venues. 

Click here for Meeting Agendas

Click here for Meeting Minutes

Public Recreation & Culture Committee - Terms of Reference

Interested in being a member of this Committee? Click here to apply

pop-up modal left arrow Special Council Meeting - 2025 Budget Cut/Keep/Add
Special Council Meeting - 2025 Budget Cut/Keep/Add
pop-up modal left arrow Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Barrie)
Public Meeting Under the Planning Act (Barrie)
pop-up modal left arrow Regular Council Meeting
Regular Council Meeting

Council meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. (unless otherwise posted) at Township Council Chambers located at 2473 Russett Drive, Arnprior.

Council Meeting Package

CLICK HERE to watch LIVE & RECORDED Council Meetings

pop-up modal left arrow Waste Diversion Sub-Committee

Waste Diversion Sub-Committee meetings will take place as determined by the Committee at 6:00 p.m. in Township Council Chambers

Click here to access the Meeting Agenda & Package

Terms of Reference

pop-up modal left arrow Bi-Centennial Committee
Ad-Hoc Committees

Click here to access the Bi-Centennial Committee Meeting Packages

Township of McNab/Braeside 

Terms of Reference: Bi-Centennial Committee 

Reporting Relationship  

The Bi-Centennial Committee is an ad hoc committee under the Public Recreation & Culture Committee 

(PR&CC). The PR&CC reports to Council. 


Members of the Bi-Centennial Committee shall be comprised of the following: 

  • Chair 
  • 2 members of council (one may act as chair) 
  • CAO 
  • Recreation Director 
  • 1 Recreation Staff 
  • Museum Curator 
  • Minimum of one (1) member of the community or people with a connection to resources that are considered beneficial to this event. 

Additional non-voting staff and consultants may be invited from time to time as required. 

Appointment to the Committee  

Members shall be appointed by council based on the Township’s procedural by-law. 

Frequency of Meetings  

The committee will meet in advance leading up to the Bi-Centennial anniversary date; June 25, 2025. The frequency will vary based on the pre-event period; one post-event meeting will follow. 

The Committee Chair with the assistance of the Recreation Director shall set the agenda prior to each meeting and circulate the agenda as per Township procedures. Draft meeting minutes of the preceding meeting shall be circulated to each Committee member for approval. Approved minutes will be included in a report to council. 


Quorum is obtained through the attendance of 50% plus one (1) voting members of the committee. 

Roles and Responsibilities  

The committee shall be led by the chair or designate. Meeting minutes will be recorded and distributed by the Recreation Director or designate. 

Function of Committee  

The function of the Bi-Centennial Committee is to support the planning and implementation of the 200th anniversary of the Township of McNab/Braeside. June 25, 2025, marks this anniversary. 

Interested in joining this Committee? Please apply here.

pop-up modal right arrow Public Works Committee
Standing Committees

Public Works Committee

Frequency: Monthly - 4th Tuesday evening each month at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise posted on our meeting portal https://mcnabbraeside.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingTypeList.aspx

Chair: Councillor Kevin Rosien

Vice-Chair: Councillor Robert Campbell


To work with the Director of Public Works to review operation of this department and to prepare and recommend an operations budget. 

Review and monitor the Capital Roads Plan, the Capital Building Plan and Transportation Capital Plan and to recommend adjustments for the upcoming year to Council.  

To hear and address public concerns regarding any matters pertaining to the Public Works mandate.  

Click here for Meeting Agendas and Packages

Click here for Meeting Minutes

Public Works Committee Terms of Reference

Interested in being a member of this Committee? Click here to apply

pop-up modal left arrow Public Safety Committee
Standing Committees

Public Safety Committee

Frequency: Monthly - 4th Tuesday evening each month at 6:00 p.m.

Chair: Councillor Scott Brum

Vice-Chair: Councillor Robert Campbell


The Public Safety Advisory Committee is an advisory committee of Council with a mandate to advise and support Council on matters that relate to public safety such as: police, fire, emergency management and other public safety matters. The Public Safety Committee will also provide support on other related issues as requested by Council.

Click here to see Meeting Minutes

Click here to access the Meeting Agenda & Package

Public Safety Committee - Terms of Reference

Interested in being a Committee Member? Click here to apply